Pennzoil’s Used Oil Analysis Program
If there’s one thing we take pride in at Pennzoil, it’s sharing our passion for motor oil and the automotive industry with anyone and everyone. Pennzoil has been connecting with users on ‘The Internet’s Number One Motor Oil Website, Bob is The Oil Guy’ forum for over a decade. One of our longest initiatives is running our Used Oil Analysis Program with Bob is the Oil Guy (BITOG) members.
The purpose of the BITOG forum is to connect with other car enthusiasts who take pride in their motor oil, ask questions about motor oil or vehicle technology in general and to learn from each other. Pennzoil scientists participate in conversations on the forum to answer technical questions about vehicles, motor oil, and provide users with insight into the latest Pennzoil products and formulations.

Motor Oil Change
In connecting with users routinely, Pennzoil notices passionate and active BITOG members who are interested in motor oil technology and invites them to participate in our Used Oil Analysis Program where we supply Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic motor oil for their next oil change. Pennzoil provides participants with the used oil sampling kits from a 3rd party vendor and Pennzoil motor oil– our goal is to provide a straightforward, educational experience for other motor oil enthusiasts like us!
The program is simple – we ask participants to send in a used oil sample of their current motor oil fill to a laboratory, and then run their next interval using Pennzoil Synthetics. Once their oil change interval with Pennzoil is complete, they send in a used oil sample to the same laboratory. Once both lab reports are received, we conduct a one-on-one meeting with the participant and a Pennzoil scientist to discuss the results of each test!

Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic
When meeting with one of our Pennzoil scientists, the participants are able to ask questions in real time about their used oil analysis reports to understand what the results indicate. Our scientists talked to a range of different participants which owned both new and old vehicles (2008 to 2021) to discuss how our Pennzoil Platinum product performed compared to their previously used motor oil.
“Our users were impressed with the ability of Pennzoil Platinum to retain higher total base numbers (TBN) at moment of drain,” Sean Nguyen, Pennzoil Scientist and PCMO Lubricant Specialist, said after meeting with several BITOG participants. “We also saw some lower wear metal numbers with Pennzoil Platinum. Lastly, the additive content showed that Pennzoil still had a lot of life left at similar drain intervals compared to their previous motor oil of choice.”
Nguyen continues that the data we have collected so far reveals the ability of Pennzoil Synthetics to protect the engine while also demonstrating the durability of the motor oil, as anti-wear additives, detergents, and dispersants components remained high. This data indicates to the users that Pennzoil could have lasted many additional kilometers before the drain, if the interval were to be extended.
Pennzoil values connecting with car enthusiasts on a personal level and appreciates the opportunity the BITOG Used Oil Analysis program provides to do so. Educating participants on the technology behind Pennzoil motor oils, the program allows our Pennzoil Scientists to talk about what they know best, including how used oil analysis reports show a first-hand account of the benefits of using Pennzoil and the strength of our motor oils.