No brand is trusted more than Pennzoil®
You are busy. You have a business to run, and customers to attend to. That’s where Pennzoil comes in. We are committed to providing support to help your business prosper.
Shell Lubricants Instant Expert Program
Need quick and effective training? Visit the Shell Instant Expert training program for your workshop’s education needs.
Industry Trends & Analysis
It’s an exciting, fast-paced industry and everything seems to be changing so quickly. So how can we help? Pennzoil is on the front lines to help combat your challenges and offer helpful information for you to apply in your world.
Pennzoil’s Marketing Programs & Business Services
Pennzoil offers several marketing packages to support your business and become more profitable through increased car count, customer loyalty, operational optimization and employee training.
Adjusting to the New Business Environment
Conducting regular maintenance on vehicles is as important as ever in 2021. Learn about how automotive service is changing in this new environment.

Pennzoil Lubrication Limited Warranty Program Enrollment
Pennzoil extends the life of your customer's engine for 15 years or 500, 000 miles, whichever comes first, guaranteed. And we back this up with the Pennzoil Platinum Limited Lubrication Warranty program, which provides in store signage to let your customers know that Pennzoil means unbeatable engine protection. Enroll your location for free today.

Heat is the enemy of engine oil
Pennzoil PlatinumTM Full Synthetic and Pennzoil Full Synthetic motor oils are designed to fight against heat and oxidation. Learn about the temperature benefits of Pennzoil PlatinumTM Full Synthetic and Pennzoil Full Synthetic motor oils with our advance additive technology package.
*based on a study conducted by an international market research company commissioned by Shell International Petroleum Company LTD