Pennzoil® met ILSAC GF-6 standards at the first licensed date of May 5, 2020. GF-6 is the name of the next-generation International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) standard for passenger car motor oils.
Pennzoil® met ILSAC GF-6 standards at the first licensed date of May 1, 2020. GF-6 is the name of the next-generation International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) standard for passenger car motor oils designed to meet the demands of modern engine technology. Shell Lubricants is providing motorists motor oils that meet the new ILSAC GF-6 standard as of its first marketing date on May 1.
Pennzoil has already completed the ILSAC GF-6 testing protocol for its designated products. The protocol includes eight engine tests, seven of which are new. Test results determine whether a motor oil meets one of the standard’s two sub-categories, ILSAC GF-6A (which is backward-compatible to ILSAC GF-5 oils) and ILSAC GF-6B (specifically for SAE 0W-16).
The following Pennzoil® brand motor oils meet the new ILSAC GF-6 standard:
- Pennzoil Ultra Platinum™ Full Synthetic Motor Oils: SAE 0W-20, SAE 5W-20, SAE 5W-30 and SAE 10W-30
- Pennzoil Platinum™ Full Synthetic Motor Oils: SAE-0W-20, SAE 5W-20, SAE 5W-30 and SAE 10W-30
- Pennzoil Platinum High Mileage™ Full Synthetic Motor Oils: SAE 0W-20, SAE 5W-20, SAE 5W-30 and SAE 10W-30
- Pennzoil Gold™ Synthetic Blend Motor Oils: SAE 0W-20, SAE 5W-20, SAE 5W-30 and SAE 10W-30
- Pennzoil High Mileage Conventional Motor Oils: SAE 5W-20, SAE 5W-30 and
SAE 10W-30 - Pennzoil Conventional Motor Oils: SAE 5W-20, SAE 5W-30 and SAE 10W-30
- Pennzoil Platinum™ Full Synthetic Motor Oil: SAE 0W-16
As Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have updated engine hardware to meet the increased fuel economy and compliance with emission regulations, a need arose for a new ILSAC standard. To increase fuel economy, many OEMs have incorporated the turbocharged gasoline direct injection (TGDI) engines, some of which are susceptible to the low speed pre-ignition (LSPI) phenomenon. Motor oils can be reformulated to help minimize LSPI events, and the American Petroleum Institute (API) made the decision in 2017 to introduce a supplemental service category (API SN PLUS) to address this need while the ILSAC GF-6 standard was in development. The ILSAC GF-6 standard required new engine tests designed to prevent LSPI, reduce timing chain wear and measure fuel economy enhancements.
ILSAC has always tried to make its standards “evergreen,” which means they are backward-compatible. Thus, when a new standard is activated, the previous standard becomes obsolete because the latest standard meets the needs of both new and prior engine technologies.
ILSAC GF-6A oils are backward-compatible with ILSAC GF-5 and older standards and for viscosities as low as SAE 0W-20. ILSAC GF-6B oils are backward-compatible ONLY with SAE 0W-16 motor oils, which are expected to become more prevalent in the future. The SAE 0W-16 viscosity grade is not intended for use in most older engines, as they are not equipped to operate with a lubricant at such a low viscosity.
API developed new marks for each sub-category: motor oils that meet ILSAC GF-6A will display a starburst logo, and motor oils that meet ILSAC GF-6B will display a shield. These distinctions are clearly displayed on the labels for relevant Pennzoil® motor oils.
Eight different engine tests are required for ILSAC GF-6 licensing and to demonstrate improvements in motor oil capabilities. The eight engine tests are:
- Sequence IIIH – Oxidation and Deposits
- Sequence IVB – Valve Train Wear
- Sequence V – Sludge and Varnish
- Sequence VIE – Fuel Economy
- Sequence VIF – 0W-16 Fuel Economy
- Sequence VIII – Corrosion (not required for GF-6B)
- Sequence IX – LSPI
- Sequence X – Timing Chain Wear
When: The official licencing date for ILSAC GF-6A and GF-6B was May 1, 2020.
For additional information please contact:
- Jeremy Tsonton: 973-588-2000, jtsonton@coynepr.com
- Shell Media Line: 832-337-4355
Additional information on ILSAC GF-6 can be found at: www.pennzoil.com