Maserati and Pennzoil®
When you hear “Maserati” you probably think “GranTurismo.” With capabilities like a max speed of 185 mph and a 4.6 second 0-60 mph acceleration, these cars are pure adrenaline -- and their owners expect a flawless performance.
Maserati trusts Pennzoil to optimize the performance of their cars by providing complete protection benefits for their engines including things like general wear protection and cleaner pistons.
Maserati upholds its reputation of high performance through its relationship with quality Pennzoil products. Our Pennzoil Platinum Euro Full Synthetic motor oil is factory-filled in 100% of Maserati new vehicles sold in North America and is the only motor oil recommended for service fills.

Pennzoil® Synthetics help Maserati Live Up To Its Legendary Reputation Of Performance