Industry Trends & Analysis
It’s an exciting, fast-paced industry and everything seems to be changing so quickly. So how can we help? Pennzoil® is on the front lines to help combat your challenges and offer helpful information for you to apply in your world.
Modern Motor Oils for Modern Engines
Pennzoil full synthetic 0W motor oils provide faster low temperature flow and protection in extreme heat.
Addressing the Employee Shortage
We are invested in keeping the pipeline of qualified technicians filled, and are committed to offering programs and services to help upskill your techs and keep them invested.
No brand is trusted more than Pennzoil*
Pennzoil does more than just offer a great product; we provide you with unique capabilities to drive business traffic, consumer loyalty and profits through technological innovations which offer an excellent brand experience.
*based on a study conducted by an international market research company commissioned by Shell International Petroleum Company LTD